"On August 2, 2021, I joined Tribe. First, I was hesitant if I can do the workouts and keep up with the group. The reason I joined this group (Tribe Guam) is because I wanted to challenge myself and try to lose weight. I saw this group on Facebook, the progress and end results were very astonishing. I continued my journey because I saw changes in my body as well as my strength. It was crazy and fun workouts and I love it. I kept continuing my journey because of good teamwork, the camaraderie, and good spirit that everyone can do it regardless your age or body type. Tribe helped me to accomplish my goal one step at a time. Tribe gave me new friends. Now, we’re all on a good track towards our goal and I continue enjoying my journey. My appreciation to all my coaches especially Coach Jess, she showed me the way that I can accomplish anything as long I put 100% in it. Also,
Coach George giving us very challenging workouts that we thought we can’t do, but putting forth the effort and persevering, the workout is over before you know it. Lastly, Coach Jason, “the preacher” who tells us that every exercise is easy as long as you put 100% in to it. I love my Tribe group! I highly recommend this to everyone and anyone who wants to challenge yourself. My advice to everyone is perseverance is the key to accomplishing your goal, always believe in your self, and everything will come through.
Go try and as I always say to everyone: TRIBE IS LIFE!!!" ~Janice
"It's never too early or too late to work towards being the healthiest you! "
I'm Diana Cruz and this is my story....
Growing up I've always been on the heavier side. As far as I can remember. I was the biggest in grade school and as I got into middle and high school it didn't get any easier. I remember the smaller girls sitting in their chairs that was connected to the desk and me being a big girl I had to use a regular chair and table.
Then adulthood came in and being a mom to 2 kids is the best thing in life! With all the eating out, parties, and SNACKS.... and did I mention eating out, fast food is the BEST THING EVER! sushi, taco, sushi, burgers and SUSHI! And with no fitness in my life, I let myself go.
December 2021, we took a family trip. We did the whole shebang Disney, Universal, and Knotts. It was amazing! And the most walking i did but it didn't help with snacks everywhere. Everywhere you turn you have food and snacks. Then the worst thing happened. I took my 5 year old on a ride, got on, secured him and then my turn... the belt didn't fit. The lady said I'm sorry mam if you can't buckle you can't ride. Turned to my son and said sorry son we can't ride. The look on his face broke my heart. How do you explain to a 5 year old that we can't ride cause mommy can't fit?
Came home and told myself I need to change my lifestyle. Not only for me but for my family! Started eating healthier but that did so little. I needed something more.
One night my Mali asked me if I wanted to join Tribe, I was hesitant. I can't even do a push up and walk long. I'm going to embarrase myself. But what do I have to loose? It's only 1 month just give it a try!
In the beginning, Tribe was hard. Not gonna lie there were times I wanted to just throw the towel in and said forget it, this is just how I'm gonna live my life. I had to do alot of modifications on the workouts we did. Sometimes I modify the modify. While doing workouts I can see everyone around me way ahead and I'm still on first round, it got me feeling discouraged. But I didn't give up! With all the support and encouragement of family, friends, The Dededo am team and especially Coach Jess and Coach John who never gave up on me and PUSHED me to reach for that finish line. It's not about how much or how fast... it's going at your own pace and doing it right and eventually you will get there! 1 month down , 16 lbs loss, and a heart and mind of " I DID IT ".
"When I first signed up for Tribe, I was 5lbs from my heaviest weight ever. I didn't like how my body felt while doing simple daily tasks. I wanted to make changes that could lead to better, sustainable health. Along the journey, I've learned to choose consistency because I wasn't always motivated. Now, I feel AMAZING and dropping 2 clothing sizes is definitely a bonus! I am so thankful for all of the Tribe members who make you want to show up for each other at every workout. Thank you especially to all the coaches that show up and challenge us to be the healthiest version of ourselves. ALL HEART, NO QUIT!" ~Jennifer W.
Congrats on your 23lb weight loss, Ms. Jennifer! 🎉🎉 All that hard work is paying off so keep it up! 🙌🏼🙌🏼💪🏽💪🏽
"My reason for joining Tribe was to support a friend. However, it became so much more to me. I didn’t notice the scale move at first. The clothes started to fit differently. I had more energy. I had more fun. One thing that motivates me and keeps me coming back to Tribe; it’s the people. I love to see teammates make progress, to accomplish something they never thought possible. When you see a smile come across somebody’s face that couldn’t do one pushup before and now they can do seven, that makes it all worth it to me. I’ve made new friends and new family.
Thanks to Coach Jess (If you didn’t video it, it didn’t happen) for getting up early and being the rock for so many teammates. Keep up the great work! Coach Jason; keep doing what you are doing good sir because it’s changing a lot for so many in the community. Coach Ace; where you at??
There is something different about people that get up at 0400 in the morning to go and workout; It’s family, it’s the Tribe family." #hakuna ~John R.
”I used to be active and fit before I had kids.
When I had my 2nd child, it was a hard, especially since I was working graveyard shifts and it took a toll on me emotionally and physically.
My eating schedule was all over the place. My weight shot up and I was ready to just give up. But I still had hopes that one day I will have time to work on myself.
At the end of the day, I only have 1 reason to not give up and that's my kids.
So by joining Tribe, it gave me back my confidence! Being myself, and loving myself again and knowing that I still had it in me.
I would like to thank the coaches
Coach Jess and Coach Jason!🙌
Thank you so much!
It took alot of work to get me to this point but this journey is just getting started!
I love my Tribe fam! Hooohaaa!💪🙌"
"I moved from Tokyo to Guam in April, at the heaviest weight I’ve ever been. I blame a lot of it on retirement from the Air Force, the dreaded Covid “15”, and the fact that I lived out of hotels for a few months since I had to move out of my house prior to leaving Japan and two months of house hunting once I arrived on the island of Guam. This was the start of me eating out 3 times a day for 4 months and not having a steady daily routine established.
One day, I stepped on the scale and realized I was close to 30 lbs over the weight I was just a year ago.
I started working out on base from 0600 to 0700 three times a week, but I always found excuses not to go or reasons to stop prior to my workout being complete. I knew I needed to find something or someone to push me, but I was new to the island and didn’t really know anyone. One night I was strolling through Instagram and saw the Tribe Guam Fitness page. Watching the videos peaked my interests…until I saw the 0500 start time and said “NOPE”. A week later, I realized my current gym routine/lack of motivation wasn’t cutting it. I told myself, that if I see that Tribe Guam post within the next 24 hours, I’ll join. About 45 minutes after that thought, I see Jason doing about a billion burpees on my phone. I sent a message looking for more details and realized the Dededo Sports Complex was about 5 minutes from the house I was about to close on. That was the second sign that this was something that I needed to do, and so far, I’m glad I did.
Over the last several months, I’m feeling healthier, getting closer to my physical goals, and most importantly, I’ve found new supportive friends that keep me motivated!
Lastly, a HUGE Thanks to Coach Jess, who sincerely loves what she does and for all the hard work she puts into our classes!" ~Billy
"Since the pandemic started, working out is very challenging for me. I didn’t want to go back to the gym and when I try to do my workout at home, so many distractions that I can never finish my workout. So, I joined TRIBE to get back to it, get stronger and to take care of me.
But TRIBE Guam did way more than that for me. Here we are 8 months later, and I feel amazing. I can keep up with my very active toddler, I sleep better, I learned new workouts that I never thought I could do, I met awesome people, and I have a very motivational Coach, Coach Jess, that pushes me to my limits.
Thank you, TRIBE, for continuing to change people’s lives in our community. If you want a safe, fun, and effective outdoor workout, join TRIBE, you will not regret it." ~Roxy
"I started Tribeguam because of my mom wanting to help me lose weight. I started in March of this year with Coach Ace and Coach Jess. It was and still is a struggle to do the workouts, but I keep telling myself "I'm doing this for me". It has and still is an experience because months ago, there were moments when I felt like not going, but attending class has really paid off. Now I look forward to working out with everyone. I'm finding that working out as a team motivates me even more. Thank you Coach Jess and Coach Jason. Thank you Tribe team members!" -Matthew Toves
"Losing weight has always been a roller coaster ride with me. Gain, lose, gain, lose, and repeat. I’ve done different things to try to maintain my health, but this time around I wanted something different. I wanted something where I could push myself, yet modify what was difficult because of my knee injury. I didn’t want to feel like I was “exercising” either. Boot camp offered just that. Exercises were demonstrated, along with how you could modify or challenge yourself with each one, so you had options on how comfortable you felt with them. There were always a variety of workouts and they were fun. Both the coaches and participants were always encouraging each other, so it didn’t feel intimidating like it sometimes can feel. I wanted to make the most of the camp, so along with the workouts 3x a week, I watched my diet, tried to stay in a calorie deficit, and fasted on and off. I upped my water intake as well and made sure I checked in with my partner (who joined camp with me) for accountability). We also walked when we could. Little did I know that I’d lose 18lbs in 30 days!! That’s the push I was looking for to start my journey of getting back in shape. Camp was only the beginning. So for anyone that is looking for a program to help you get in shape, I recommend Jason D Fitness’s 30 day boot camp!! - Carm
"I started my fitness journey on my own but I didn't know too much about where to start or what
to do. I knew I had to make a change for a healthier lifestyle when I realized I was nearing 200
Ibs at just 22 years old. I wasn't satisfied with myself so I decided to do something about it. I
was sent a Tribe Flier around November of 2021 when they held a Black Friday/Holiday Sale
and wanted to try it out. I was worried about what people might think of me because I knew so
little about fitness and was ashamed of “embarrassing myself" but Tribe was very welcoming
and versatile in accommodating my intermediate abilities. I signed up for M/W/F classes and
would go to the gym 5-6 times a week because I fell in love with seeing my progress. I learned
about macros and nutrients and ate at a calorie deficit. I started getting more comfortable with
going to the gym and working out with Tribe. I still have a long way to go in order to reach my
goals but I've definitely gotten more confident in my abilities. My advice: you'll never know what
your body and mind are capable of until you test its limits. Everybody is simply trying their best
to chase a healthier lifestyle and there's no shame in it. We all have to start somewhere and all
that matters is the decision and the willingness to try.
Special thanks to everyone that has supported me and to Tribe for making me feel a part of a
community. - Roquel
When I first started tribe I was at my heaviest weight and was unable to walk from one office to the next without being out of breath which I knew was not good especially for a 23 year old. The thing was I was never one to work out I hated exercising especially around others because of the fear of being judged, but then I remembered all of the stories my Auntie Jeannie told me about Tribe and how fun it was working out with everyone and how good she felt afterwards. So I decided if I actually wanted to make a difference in my life I needed to take that first step and what’s a better way than to do it with Family where I know I will be comfortable. People always say that the taking that first step is the hardest part and they are 100% true because after that day coming to Tribe was not something that I saw as a chore it became the one thing I was looking forward to at the end of the day. I mean how can you not be excited when you’re surrounded by amazing people with the same goal in mind (being the best versions of themselves) and the absolute best coaches who are constantly pushing you to be your best and always supporting you. Joining TRIBE was the best decision I’ve made I not only feel great about myself and my body but I gained more than friends I gained a family. So if anyone is feeling hesitant about joining don’t be because after you join you are no longer doing it alone you have a whole Tribe that will have your back ❤️ - Amber S
I've never felt that working out can be fun until i joined Tribe. Working out to be in a good health and be able to fit in my clothes is worth the effort. It helped me gain my confidence. It doesn't matter how slowly you go, as long as you don't stop. And we have our coaches to motivate and believe in us. - Jonalyn U
I'm not an active or sporty person. When I started the camp it wasn't easy and I didn't expect that I would last this long but i'm glad that I did. I enjoyed every workout even though its suicide but its worth it. Thank you to all our coaches for being appreciative and for motivating us to push harder and to do better. - Marites D
"I was 211 lbs! Joining Tribe has made an impact in my life. I feel great and fantastic at a whopping 193lbs, but I'm not stopping there! Thanks to all of my coaches for their inspiration and coaching, Coach Ace, Coach Jason, and Coach Jess. Tribe Guam is a new transformation! LET'S GET SOME!" -Jessica Celoso
I signed up for my first 30-day morning boot camp in April mainly because my goal was to be the winner in our biggest loser contest for work with a prize of $1k which I won. Losing weight is hard. Being overweight is hard. For me, the beginning was the hardest with waking up at 4:15 in the morning thinking "oh my goodness" but it surprised me as there were alot of people in camp who were really motivated so I asked myself "why can't I be?"
Now my journey has started, each session is always a challenge, but Coach Jess never fails to give us an outlet that will exercise all parts of our body and the utmost inspiring thing is we do the challenge as a TEAM. It is always fun not knowing we are done and completed the workout.
A comfort zone is a beautiful place, but nothing grows from there. If it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you. If you have discipline, drive, and determination-nothing is impossible. All you need is to take the first step, which I did, and join Tribe. My weight went down, but I am more inspired of what I can do today that I couldn't do before, which is truly fulfilling.
Don't get intimidated, it's not a competition. It is a TEAM with an amazing and powerful coach. She will never give up on us and is always proud of our successes. Thanks Coach Jess! -Ronilda Palma
I'm a stay-home mom of two, food was my bestfriend, couch was my haven, lounging was my pastime, walking was too much for me, chores were hindrance to my slow routine, and LAZY, that was ME...that was my old self. Tired, slow, grumpy, bloated, fat, depressed...name it! One day, I decided to do the right thing. To better myself.
I don't have my thyroid gland anymore which makes me hypothyroid and is making weight loss doubly difficult to me as it helps disable my metabolism. Weight gain, fatigue, moodswings, hair loss are some things I've been dealing with for the past years. Depressing but I choose to fight it.
Here comes 2021 and an opportunity came on January, a bootcamp advertisement I saw on Facebook. I was hesitant. I don't really go out that much, as I only have 4 friends here on Guam. I have not exercised for years. I knew it's going to be very hard and waking up at 4am would be new to me as I start my day at 10. All I thought that very first day at the bootcamp was, it is now or never.
Fast forward to today (4 months later), I am 20 lbs lighter from my heaviest weight, energized, better stamina(as per my husband🤭), busy (I plant, back to reading, added jump rope and yoga on free time), I got new amazing friends from the bootcamp, my hair is growing back to normal, I am happier, healthier, and so much more. I'm back to life.😃💪
TribeGuam played a big part of the "change" in my life. Many thanks to my coaches, Coach Jess Rosales, Coach Ace, and Big Coach Jason Ramon Davis. All these will be far from possible if not beause of TribeGuam. I promise to continue choosing what's best for my health and wellness. I hope you don't give up on people like me.😁
I still have a long way to go but there is no turning back.
TribeGuam is not just a bootcamp, we are FAMILY.❤
"When I started tribe I was the heaviest I have ever been and I was a completely different person. Tribe has made losing weight SO EASY because it's a community of people of all ages, shapes and sizes just trying to do the same thing with no judgements: exercise and have fun! Never thought losing 45 pounds could be that easy, fun and motivating! I'm super grateful for all the coaches for creating such a fun and motivating community for people to reach their goals, you can't find this anywhere else 🔥" - D Santos
Coach Jess
DECIDE...COMMIT...SUCCEED! Set a goal for yourself, DECIDE what you will do to achieve your goal. COMMIT to working hard to achieve your goal. Be consistent and hold yourself accountable to be able to SUCCEED in reaching your goal! Nobody's going to do it for you so stop the excuses and start working for what you want or what you need! - Coach Jess
"Tribe has really changed my life. I needed an adventure, an outlet, a chance to do something for myself. And this has really helped me gain confidence and has given me the opportunity to try something new. Tribe is nothing like the other programs I’ve seen on island. We have a group of skilled coaches that accommodate everyone’s unique needs when performing exercises. They are very creative with our workouts, provide a family type culture and overall it’s just a lot of fun!They believe in you and motivate you to be at your best. This combination of support has allowed me to lose the weight and continue to live a healthy lifestyle! Thank you to Coach Jason and his amazing team!" - Gwen
Dianne West
"Just have to give it a try. The work out routines are very doable and hit the needs of first timers and advance members...There’s no harm in trying. And of course take it one step at a time because THIS change is not temporary, it should be a change in your lifestyle. - Dianne
Mona Taijeron
Even though the pandemic closed our camps down, Mona was still putting in work on her own. She ran 1-2 miles everyday, and stuck to her 16/8 Intermittent Fasting schedule. She still ate her carbs but cut out rice and soda completely. She no longer has diabetes and has been off her meds for about a year! ❤ Now that Tribe Guam Camps have started again, she's back and ready to build on her success!
Much respect to you Mona. Thank you for the inspiration 🙏
Jeanette Aguigu
A diabetic for the last 20 years Ive struggled with trying to get in control of the disease. This past year my Doctor told me that I was maxed out on my meds and that if we couldn't get in control of the disease the next step would be insulin. In August a friend told me she had joined the tribe, I had seen them working out whenever I walked in Tumon and had wanted to find out more about them so I followed her to Ypao and what I found out was, this was a family with different fitness levels and different goals but nobody judged and everybody encouraged each other. The work outs were fun and I found myself looking forward to going every day. The coaches are awesome, they motivate and inspire to push beyond our comfort zone. and are readily available to discuss and tweak the program to help you achieve your goals. After 3 months I returned to my Doctor for a follow up and he was pleased with the progress that was made. My A1C had come down into normal range enough so that he reduced my medication. We discussed my exercise and diet plan and he had nothing but good things to say about intermittent fasting and its benefits. Thank you Coach Jason and Coach Jess for pushing us as hard as you do and keeping us motivated. What an awesome group of people.
Update on Annie! For the month of Oct she dropped an additional 6 lbs. Thats 1.5 lbs per week.
28 lbs seems like alot to lose but when you focus on the 1 or 2 lbs per week, eventually you will get there.
Sebrina's first day at Tribe Guam happened to be right in the middle of an 8 week camp. It was a Wednesday and back then it was known as the hardest day of the week. The workout was "Pole2Pole". We ran from Ypao to Matapang, every 5th pole we'd stop and do exercises. 10 Push ups, 10 sit ups, 10 bump squats etc... then we get up, run the next 5 poles. For every bench we past we do 10 tricep dips. I mention to Bri that this is one of the harder classes and that she can still come tomorrow if she likes and get her free class. But she was determined to give it a shot so we took off. Long story short, when the group got back I found her sitting in the bus stop, tired, winded, exhausted, out of breath and whatever other word you can think of for being physically drained. Keep in mind that the bus stop is only a few poles away from the starting point so I have no idea how far she made it. One of our other members @emreyes70 was already sitting with her making sure that she was okay. Longer story shorter! I was 💯 sure that I was NEVER gonna see her again. She was way behind the group, she didn't get much coaching from me, I think it was even raining that day. But there is something different about this one. She doesn't give up. She's the embodiment of "All Heart No Quit" Can't wait to see what else is in store for Sebrina MuthaFuckn Manibusan!! 💪🏼😈
Shout to Dolores for hitting -17.8 lbs...thats 2 months FREE 🙌🏼 Super proud of the work you've been putting in D 💯 keep it up!
Stephanie N. has been putting in work over the last two month and we're super proud of her! 🙌🏼
Consistency > Intensity --------- "I hit my plateau and it lasted for a while till I finally broke passed it...I started to pay more attention to how much of what I was eating and now it's always surprising to me to see the numbers getting smaller and smaller each week" - Jose Cruz
January 2019 - October 2019
First pic was two months after princess Layla was born. That dad bod was creeping in real quick 😳 I had to put an end to that nonsense 💪🏼😤
Quick shout out to Stephanie for her recent weight loss success! Keep grinding ✊🏼✊🏼✊🏼
Shout out to Shamiqua for dropping 17 lbs with just two 21 day camps 💪🏼😈 the dedication is real with this one! It's hard to see the trasformation in the photo but you can definitely see it in person! Keep grinding girl!
Shout out to Annie Santos, she just completed her 2nd 21-Day Camp and her results are amazing! 💪🏼 She joined the Tribe not having exercised for years. She was nervous, intimidated and hesitant but look at her now. I couldn't be any more proud of her. She's not the fastest, not the strongest nor does she have the best form but she shows up, does what she can and enjoys the process.
Consistency > Intensity
Big ups to one of our Tribe OG's Renee Burce! 💪🏼
Shout out to these two beautiful ladies! Nona Perez and Coach Jess Rosales 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼 Three muscle emojis for their amazing transformation!
Jona Madarang
"This journey all started when I won a free 8 week fitcamp with coach Jason I really didn’t know what to expect I wasn’t physically active and was always over 200lbs since high school. My 1st camp I struggle with the meal plan I gave into those cravings and was only going to class twice a week but after seeing a fellow tribe sister drop her weight it really motivated & opened my eyes that consistency was the key. On my 2nd camp I stuck to the meal plan ,intermittent fasting & being consistent on coming to class
Without the love , support , & encouragement from my fellow tribe sisters & brothers I wouldn’t be able to achieve my goal"
Kalani Cruz
"Thank you guys so much for the motivation! I really appreciate all my coaches taking time out of their day to help other people get healthy and fit! I was so hesitant on going out to try the free trials. I was scared I would embarrass myself and the total opposite happened. From the beginning the motivation from the whole group was so amazing. Not once did I ever feel like I couldn't do anything or it was too much. Everyone made me feel like I could do it and I proved to myself that I made it happen. I was so excited to learn that with all the struggles and hard times that I felt that I had in the beginning paid off more than I expected! Training my body to do the Intermittent Fasting was the first step and everything else fell into place. That honestly was tough but I kept telling myself I need to do this. I followed everything you coaches taught me and I couldn't be any happier with the way things turned out! I'm so excited to drop the next (30) and push myself farther and harder than I ever thought I could. Thank you guys so much! I really do appreciate everything from all of you! #TRIBEGUAM💪🏽"
Chadda Brewer Meagher
"I was sick and tired of being sick and tired. I worked all day as a dive instructor and I was exhausted most days so I would go home eat dinner and go straight to bed...I joined "Biggest Winner" and my motto from day one "In It To Win It" I hit the gym and cleaned up my eating habits and I won. Joining "The Tribe.GU" classes motivated me more to become the "Best Me I Can Be". If I had any advise to people wanting to change it would be to "Just Keep Moving". The journey is not an easy one but it is very doable. Set your mind to it, be only in competition with yourself and lace up your tennis shoes and Get it. Small changes will change everything."
- Chadda Brewer Meagher
Ken San Nicolas
"I decided to change my life style because... I felt like I owed it to myself, my family and friends to be healthy.. This camp has helped me because... participating with many people with similar weight issues or goals and seeing them work hard makes me want to go and work hard. I hope to lose another 20 lbs before the year is over. My goal weight is another 60-75 pounds away from my current weight. There is no better day to start than today. Fitness is not about doing the most reps or lifting the heaviest weight or running the furthest -- its more about doing what you are capable of doing and always pushing your individual limit. Sometimes it will be hard or maybe you even gain wight, But you need to just accept that its ok to have small losses because if you stick to it you will eventually win the war."
- Ken S.N
"I was worried about my health and I wanted to become physically fit. I was also afraid to go at it alone and I needed the motivation and accountability that comes with joining a group of people who are all striving to accomplish the same goals as me. When I noticed the camp advertisement on Facebook, I thought to myself this is my time to make a difference in my life. The camp helped to better my health, build my self-esteem and increase my confidence. My overall goal is to continue to lose several more pounds and to build on my endurance and strength. I deeply recommend everyone to join the camp. They welcomed me with open arms. Everyone helped each other out. Definitely worth it! Thank you again Coach J!
- Anonymous
Nathan Concepcion
"My main reason for changing my lifestyle was to look and feel amazing and to live a healthy lifestyle. Lack of motivation and lack of basic instructions on how to make the change held me back the most from taking that first step. This camp helped me to improve my abilities and motivated me to always eat and live a healthy lifestyle even after camp was over. My goal is to 30 lbs and to build muscle on top of that. My advise to others who my still be thinking about joining is DO IT! Being shy is normal, but remember this if for YOU! Think you can't do it? YOU CAN! You can do anything you put your mind to!"
- Nathan Concepcion
"I was honestly getting tired of the way I looked everyday when putting on my clothes especially my jeans, It sucks because I gain so much after pregnancy with my 3 kids. Always doubting myself, thinking that I couldn't do it held me back the most. This Camp honestly made me change the way my lifestyle is. I barely touch fast food anymore. I drink lots and lots of water, no more sodas too! Most especially though, it helped me feel confident about myself every time I see results even if the scale moved by one pound, Every little effort counts! My advise to others is that you gotta be patient and work hard everyday! When you see the results, you'll continue to strive for more! Trust me when I say I ALWAYS doubted myself, even just to join this camp but I'm grateful I did! Thanks to Coach J. DON'T GIVE UP & KEEP IT PUSHIN!"
- Anonymous
Coach J
I started my fitness journey with one goal in mind and that was to be a "SEXY BEAST" in the hopes that it will attract the ladies. Couple of years ago I meet my lovey wife April and you guessed it. The motivation was gone. I started spending less time working out and more time eating chips lol. It wasn't until I saw this exact picture (on the left) that I realize things need to change. I started exercising more frequently, I stop consuming fast food, chips, sodas etc.. Once I started eating healthier and drinking more water the transformation began.
- Jason